Every morning for the past 4 weeks a neighbourhood cat has deposited cat poo on my nice carpet grass, and always at the exact same spot.
Sprinkling lime juice all over the grass had worked in the past but not any more, so I tried scattering pepper powder instead...
My neighbours thought it was crazy of me to make them sneeze whenever they stepped out of their house...but it kept the cat away for a few days...until it got immune to the pungent smell.
Then I tried spraying the grass with citrus scented air refreshener, because I read on the internet that cats don't like citrus smell...
It worked for a few days. Then that pesky cat brought a feline friend along and I had to clear TWO piles of poo each day...aaargh!!
That was the last straw, so hubby bought wire mesh to lay on the grass since cat paws are sensitive...
So currently, this is how my garden looks like...not very pretty, but so far so good. No sign of the cats for a few days now. I hope this will keep them away for good and my poo-scooping days will be over...because I'm a nice person and I really do not want to hurt those cats but if they keep coming back there's no telling what I might do to them....
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