Monday, July 9, 2012

A Perfect Smile

My daughter. SweetTeen, has been wearing dental braces for the past 2 years since she was 12 years old. She was very self-conscious of her crooked teeth and refused to smile whenever she had her photo taken. 

After having 4 teeth extracted, enduring pain and discomfort in the mouth after her monthly dental visits, breaking countless mini toothbrushes used to clean the braces and in between her teeth, not being able to eat some of her favourite food and being teased unrelentlessly by her older sibling for having metal in her are some shots of the progress through the 2 years:

The first day of wearing braces
Teeth beginning to straighten, spring added on the left
to create a gap for a growing new tooth
Teeth straightening out very nicely
Bottom braces added after a year and a half
 And now the final result after exactly 2 years and 2 months:
A beautiful smile!
The dentist even gave us the molds to keep for remembrance...

and after
It has been costly but well worth the money spent. Now SweetTeen can flash her smile without a care in the world. Anyway, we told her that she needs to pay back the RM5500 after she graduates from university and starts work, and she went "WHAT?!!"


YuinTing said...

Wow! Your girl has a very beautiful smile!
I can't wait for my 2 elder kids to say goodbye to their braces too, and to flash me the beautiful and 'expensive' smile. What to hubby said that's our production defect, so we gotta fix it, ha ha!

Sunny-Cookie said...

Thanks. My girl is so pleased with the results and I'm sure your children will be, too! My son has the same 'production defect' but isn't keen on fixing it, though.