Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A New Nest

photo from wikipedia
The yellow-vented bulbul birds are back. They were persistently trying to build a nest on the main cables connected to our house electricity meter, and I had to dismantle the nest twice out of concern for their safety. It wouldn't be good to have the mama bird electrocuted while she hatches her eggs!

Finally they decide to build their nest on one of our hanging flower pots in the garden. The bulbuls haven't been back since the tragedy in February last year so hubby and I are pretty excited to see them once more, although I think this is a different pair of birds.

Hopefully all will be well this time and we will get to see the babies hatch, grow up and fly away.

Hubby took a peep and saw 2 little eggs!


YuinTing said...

Wow! Birds seem to love your home sweet home! Good feng shui with kind and caring owners :-)

Sunny-Cookie said...

Hi YuinTing,

You are too kind with your compliments, but it is nice to have feathered friends in the garden. This time we will give them lots of privacy and not peep too much :)